Presentations of Poetry & Poets
All the presentations and Slovene translations here were done by Taja Kramberger without any payment or any material profit whatsoever. No poems from this side can or should be reproduced in any form with a profit aim, even less with an omission of the poet's or the translator's name.
The translations here were done firstly for my students in Koper (in the academic years 2007, 2008, and 2009), then in the hard times of the university purge at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper (Slovenia) between 2010 and 2012 (when I was purged and further harassed on the national level), and, finally, some already in my exile in Paris (after 2012).
The only goal of these public presentations and translations was and still is to show the honest people in Slovenia who love literature and poetry, but also to show publicly to the utterly anemic and thoughtless Slovene literary scene that there's also a socially sensitive poetry in this world, and that it is even read and respected. (My poetry of this category was denied in Slovenia, though "surrogates" of my poetic language later prospered.)
I want to thank here warmly all of the poets who have supported my project and my life struggle against the multiple oppressions and denial of me and my work in Slovenia and abroad in any way. Merci beaucoup to all of you who have given me your free copyrights for a few of your poems or other texts in my choice to be published here as an act of protest against tyrannies of this world. For the others, whom I was unable to reach or contact, I beg the permission here, as this is a totally non-profit personal project, and my voluntary work might even be your first translation into this minor language.
Anything I still do, write or translate into Slovene language officially after 2010 (when I was purged from my university position) is turned against me. And this through a series of totally fabricated scandals, gossips and threats, often led or accompanied by my ex-colleagues and ex-collaborators who obviously adjust in this malicious way to the inner totalitarian matrix and submit themselves to the powerful leaders (and distributors of public money) through my denial.
This website here is the only way for me to keep struggling utterly alone (together with my husband Drago Braco Rotar) against the new total Slovene State (hermetic control of the creative production, total censorship of the heretics) not to be totally shut-up in the Slovene language. The latter, I master well; it is, after all, my mother-tongue and I've left – so it seems for now - my best literary and scientific works (more than 20 books) in this language to a bunch of home-idiots and denigrators.
But I also know there are some sensitive and intelligent people in Slovenia too, although far from any social lever in this crazy time.
And to those I dedicate these pages.
In 2017, my full and final translation of the novel by Minoli Salgado, A Little Dust on the Eyes, was brutally seized without any payment by the KUD Police Dubove (led by Tatjana Jamnik). Ex-lector (proofreader) of the translation Ana Jasmina Oseban became The translator of the Salgado's book so to say overnight. It was just amazing and horrifying to see how she greedily took the work of the other and probably appropriated it to the use of the habitual vernacularized and simplistic domesticated language (a reduction of a highly differentiated authors narration to a flat common sense). After talking to some Slovene lawyers, I found out that I cannot do much to obtain any justice in this case without paying 10.000 to 15.000 for my lawyers - in order to only get back my elementary right to be paid properly for my intellectual work and property. This "intellectual property" in the terms of the harsh Slovene anti-intellectualism means around 2000 euros net for a 5 months of work. That's likely the "fair payment" and "high ethical principles" as perceived in the country by the likes of T. Jamnik. The latter - after the infringement done so perfidiously and neatly (and with a strong regime back up in Slovenia against an exile), even threatened me through her lawyer with the legal suit. It is just gruesome.
If this happens, I will ask for the international help from you all. Thank you again, publicly here, to all those - who have read about the case or mz tanslation - and who have already given your firm moral or other aid. Thank you also for the legal advices by the competent EU copyright jurists; my translation is now, thanks to you and your help, protected in two countries (Slovenia, France).
Directive for the readers: please, be fair and correct if you cite any of the verses from this site. Indicate clearly and visibly the name of the author/poet and the name of the translator, and indicate also the web-site from where you have taken the verses ( In the case of a printed publication with a profit goal, one should necessary obtain written permissions so of the poets or publishing houses and so of the translator.
The translations here were done firstly for my students in Koper (in the academic years 2007, 2008, and 2009), then in the hard times of the university purge at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper (Slovenia) between 2010 and 2012 (when I was purged and further harassed on the national level), and, finally, some already in my exile in Paris (after 2012).
The only goal of these public presentations and translations was and still is to show the honest people in Slovenia who love literature and poetry, but also to show publicly to the utterly anemic and thoughtless Slovene literary scene that there's also a socially sensitive poetry in this world, and that it is even read and respected. (My poetry of this category was denied in Slovenia, though "surrogates" of my poetic language later prospered.)
I want to thank here warmly all of the poets who have supported my project and my life struggle against the multiple oppressions and denial of me and my work in Slovenia and abroad in any way. Merci beaucoup to all of you who have given me your free copyrights for a few of your poems or other texts in my choice to be published here as an act of protest against tyrannies of this world. For the others, whom I was unable to reach or contact, I beg the permission here, as this is a totally non-profit personal project, and my voluntary work might even be your first translation into this minor language.
Anything I still do, write or translate into Slovene language officially after 2010 (when I was purged from my university position) is turned against me. And this through a series of totally fabricated scandals, gossips and threats, often led or accompanied by my ex-colleagues and ex-collaborators who obviously adjust in this malicious way to the inner totalitarian matrix and submit themselves to the powerful leaders (and distributors of public money) through my denial.
This website here is the only way for me to keep struggling utterly alone (together with my husband Drago Braco Rotar) against the new total Slovene State (hermetic control of the creative production, total censorship of the heretics) not to be totally shut-up in the Slovene language. The latter, I master well; it is, after all, my mother-tongue and I've left – so it seems for now - my best literary and scientific works (more than 20 books) in this language to a bunch of home-idiots and denigrators.
But I also know there are some sensitive and intelligent people in Slovenia too, although far from any social lever in this crazy time.
And to those I dedicate these pages.
In 2017, my full and final translation of the novel by Minoli Salgado, A Little Dust on the Eyes, was brutally seized without any payment by the KUD Police Dubove (led by Tatjana Jamnik). Ex-lector (proofreader) of the translation Ana Jasmina Oseban became The translator of the Salgado's book so to say overnight. It was just amazing and horrifying to see how she greedily took the work of the other and probably appropriated it to the use of the habitual vernacularized and simplistic domesticated language (a reduction of a highly differentiated authors narration to a flat common sense). After talking to some Slovene lawyers, I found out that I cannot do much to obtain any justice in this case without paying 10.000 to 15.000 for my lawyers - in order to only get back my elementary right to be paid properly for my intellectual work and property. This "intellectual property" in the terms of the harsh Slovene anti-intellectualism means around 2000 euros net for a 5 months of work. That's likely the "fair payment" and "high ethical principles" as perceived in the country by the likes of T. Jamnik. The latter - after the infringement done so perfidiously and neatly (and with a strong regime back up in Slovenia against an exile), even threatened me through her lawyer with the legal suit. It is just gruesome.
If this happens, I will ask for the international help from you all. Thank you again, publicly here, to all those - who have read about the case or mz tanslation - and who have already given your firm moral or other aid. Thank you also for the legal advices by the competent EU copyright jurists; my translation is now, thanks to you and your help, protected in two countries (Slovenia, France).
Directive for the readers: please, be fair and correct if you cite any of the verses from this site. Indicate clearly and visibly the name of the author/poet and the name of the translator, and indicate also the web-site from where you have taken the verses ( In the case of a printed publication with a profit goal, one should necessary obtain written permissions so of the poets or publishing houses and so of the translator.